Nothing to Prove- Nothing to Hide
is a settledness that comes from deep within when you have come to terms with
the road travelled, the lineage you were born into, the choices you have made
along the Way.
When you can sit quietly with
yourself and not be consumed by a racket in your mind nor emotions that have
been locked deep inside that threaten to pour out at the relaxation of the grip
in yourself.
When you have met the mighty tests
of life and continued to hold on to the deepest part of your
When you have forgiven all those who
wished you to be other than what you are and mounted an entourage to ask you to
When you have asked for forgiveness
for the twists you could not see or understand along the
When the soul lies down in the canopy of
the Earth and says Yes this is what I most need and sleeps softly in the
When the days become a passage of
freedom to release the striving and the struggle letting the Walk with the Wind
guide the footsteps one at a time.
When it
matters not what you were or you become but matters most that you are awake,
aware, alive and at Peace with the
~Lori Ellis (2014)