Do you long to feel the
sweet tenderness of Love
Of course you do
Everyone does
Somewhere deep
in the inner chasm of our being we know when
the funnel of Love
needs to be deepened
It is a tempest we both
long to run to and shake with fear when even a tiny morsel of the true fire is
The protections must be laid down to open
the funnel
Not at all for the faint of
Oh Love – why do you require so much for
your sweetness
Such a deep bow
A merciless a
A fluttering about like a wild hen
that has gone mad in the hen house.
It is
ridiculous really until one has
Experienced the all mighty
river of Love
Crossed the bridge to the
letting go of self
Then comes the big war
Again, Again I want to do that
After I pick myself up off the
Lori Ellis-McKinney