Heavens Help
Heavens hope,
Are you willing to fly freestyle,
No safety straps
Dear Heaven
Oh your beckoning call,
Such a price to pay for
An unequipped soul
Though I longed for your tender embrace
With every part of my being
I did not think I could pay the price of
Your requested offering
Though I trudged on through the mighty valleys and wondrous
I was not sure
Not at all confident in my impoverished soul,
Though you said the weakest among you shall become the strongest
I did believe them to be just words
Not faithful to the truth of them when I was on my knees
Wrapped in anguish and begging
Though I continued to believe, as what did else I behold
But the great loving mystery of
The father and mother of the Planet.
Stripped bare of all else
Now I understand that the cleansing is a requirement
To the great passage that a
Loving warrior must take.
Thank you
Lori Ellis (2012)