I have always been fascinated by the opinions of others who live sheltered, cocooned lives of a predictable and stable nature because that is what works best for them and they are most comfortable in. Yet they look out at people like me who are risk takers, go getters, outspoken challenging the status quo, taking it to the limit and moving things forward and judge as if they have some knowledge of just what it might be like to live my Way of Living and any idea of what the skills sets and competency it takes to pull off an intense, marginalized authentic Life.
One thing is for sure I can guarantee, if you even experienced a touch of what my life entails on a daily basis it would surely rattle your inner cage and all the sudden I would turn to look at you and say, Now my soul what on earth is the matter with you? Why you all shook up about that?
Life is a matter of perspective and choice. You live your best Way and I will be kind not to judge it and I will live mine, whether you Judge me kindly or not.
Lori Ellis-McKinney (2018)