I was talking with a good long term friend yesterday and saying you know many close people took advantage of my compromised position over the last 15 years while I was fighting dragons and helping the walking wounded. They used my name, my worked for privilege, my competencies and my compassion to operate under me and under the radar of public exposure to pull of some pretty unethical conduct and over all hurtful behavior using me as a cover and a shield. I think they call that gas lighting now days.
I had priorities to meet, business to take care, legal matters to be resolved, a disabled brother to care for and a child still to raise so I did not have the energy to deal with other peoples shenanigans.
I am back on top now and recovering my, what shall we say, PIZZAZZ. I just need to make sure that everyone is clear I am not impressed with those who took advantage of my compromised position and quietly cleaned up their messes so that I could stay focused on the true priorities of my life and the life of those I am responsible for.
I learned a lot about people I wish I never knew, but I also evolved to a person I never knew I was capable of becoming or being.
I accept all of it wholeheartedly as what needed to occur in my life for the lessons I need to be presented with and grow from.
I have.
Lori Ellis (2018)