Walking Through The Storm
Oh the holy burning fire
When forces grab you by the neck
Threaten your very life breath
Draw you into the burning of humility
And surrender
No amount of kicking and screaming is going to get you out of it
No fast or tricky moves
When your world stops on a dime
And disbelief sets in
When innocence is lost
And Truth begins to trickle in
Illusions and naivety begin to fade
And the soul Weeps at the Wisdom
walk walk walk forward
The road will be uncertain- the woods deep dark and overwhelming
Grab your chainsaw my dear friend- the awakening will require one tree to be cut at a time to clear your Path
You will be alone with the angels- expect it – for no one else knows your true Way
Expect adversity, opposition, obstacles and barriers
These are the Character builders that define your walk here on Earth.
That provide the fuel to reach the Centre of the fire.
I promise you if you point the vessel to your true inner knowings
You will move past the storm
A fresh and renewed- rebirthed and Free
But you must be willing to walk through the storm without losing the focus of manifesting your true self in the world.
Do you want to know what life and love is- please do walk this Way
~Lori Ellis~McKinney (2014)