Through the Mighty Storms of Life

Through the Mighty Storms of Life

I stand

I stand


In my feet

And in my heart


I stand

Though the mighty wind blows my hair back

And threatens to take me to the ground


I stand


Surrendering only to the Path

That has been provided to me


Trusting that if I deepen my Faith

And live as I believe

All will be well


Allowing my days to encompass

The will of the Creator

Bending to that which I cannot change or control

Rising when I have freedom of choice


It is a dance to know and understand the difference between the two

Time will show me

When to stand and when to bow


My journey is to become steeped in both

So it is true that life brings me lessons that allow for

The learning of both


Hit my knees, or raise the arms in the air

Each has their own precious gifts to my Soul.


~Lori Ellis (2014)


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