Rising Up
Have you ever been hit so hard by the strong
Winds of life
That you laid flat, numb
Unable to Rise Up.
So paralyzed by the mighty blow
That your innards seemed to behold
No inner strength to move forward.
When all those around begged and pleaded
Come awake, come back to me
Come back to yourself.
Who are you, Where did you go?
When they turned away because they no longer
Recognized you.
This is the moment one must travel inward to
The deep belly of the human ecology,
When one stands alone with the wind and
Says, “help me”
I must carry on, show me how.
How do I live again, taste the sweetness of a strawberry,
The tenderness of a kiss.
How do I let life open me up again when
The opening reminds me of the what I have lost.
Going forward requires a focus on what has been gained.
If we asked just one of our dear loved ones who have already passed
For instruction, they would say
The blow was not fatal
Rise up
And Live
Use your legs and whatever is left inside to
Carry On.
~Lori Ellis McKinney (2014)