


In the twisting winds of time and change

A Mighty river of Peace may run through

You soul


Though we travel through dust and storms

There is a place deep within

That shores up the Soul

And carries the vessel through the

Rocky terrain


Drop down in

Look for place underneath

It is there

In all of us

No matter


It is always there below the life story

The challenges the struggle


If you look you will see that no matter your journey

In life

You can rest, breath, laugh and love

From this deep place within



However if you do not look for it,

It will surely not arrive.

We must dig, traverse the steps,

Want it more than anything else in the World.

More than Anger, more than hurt, more than grief, more than

Betrayal, more than disappointment, more than Pride.


Do you wish Peace, than you shall have it.

I know.

    ~Lori Ellis-McKinney (2014)

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