Mother Earth
Walk peacefully trusting the almighty rhythm of the Universe.
Spiritual processes require a connection to the Earth,
A cultivation of awareness and respect
For the natural and healing
Resources available
To the individual
If one so chooses.
In a wondrous and gracious
Mother Earth is free to all.
There are no requirements for
Belonging to her.
No status, no ethnicity, no accolades
Just the rite of passage
Of being able to see her feel her.
This seems difficult for some,
Possibly their attention is focused on doing, success,
But we must remember when the day is done
And the journey is complete
We will lay down in her
With nothing but our self.
I wish that all could peacefully, gratefully and
Graciously on the journey home
Come with an open heart and a willingness
to understand the gift Mother Earth is giving us
each and every day.
I believe that as we move closer to our final sleep the passage
to it will be free of struggle
if we could recognize the
love she has for us and
we will come home to.
~Lori Ellis McKinney (2014)