Life after being Shattered
When the heart has been melded back together
And it no longer weeps buckets of soul tears
When the touchstones of the pain
Find their way to the bottom of the inner being
No longer able to be accessed by daily life
When the walkway of life
Is layered with real moments of simplicity, truth and acceptance
When the heart recognizes that it must first
Shower a love parade on its own interior
Bringing its own precious energy of warmth and care to itself
Life after being Shattered
It is sweeter on the other side
Pleasure arrives through simple means
Contentment can be felt in the Joy of Surrender
Life can be lived with the heart wide open
For the fear of the breakage
Has already been lived
And there is nothing left to fear
Having survived the journey of a Broken Heart
Burned into a Heart that wishes to live life
Full, free and flowing.
Becoming a strong sacred Heart.
Lori Ellis~McKinney (2014)