As I moved through work experiences I learned a lot about priorities. When I left my position in Child Protection where I had been a pillar and saw my chair filled by another in one day- it made me realize that anything I thought I was building was really just an illusion.
When I left my dream home that I designed and purchased every nail, door knob, hinge etc piece by piece with loving care and attention, I realized it was just a house. At that point my priorities shifted.
My attention moved entirely toward priorities and my entire priority became my family and lifestyle. In my minds eye I said I want off this freight train because it is going no where.
Since then I have had to learn to walk away from prestige, titles, situations that don’t work, and perks. I have never been happier in my life and have never experienced more peace, love and Joy. I saw Hanna get off the bus yesterday from the porch and watched our special dog, Sonny go running to her to greet her, he acts like a little puppy still. I watched her love up on him and play while she flashed a big smile. Then she raises her arm and gives me the peace sign. Out loud I said, right off of a Norman Rockwell painting then laughed- Love it!
Lori Ellis-McKinney (2014)