As I sat in the comfort of my Living Room last evening with the fire place pumping out warm heat for our cold damp bodies, Jack and I sat quietly enjoying a late night meal as we often do. Mostly we sit in silence, enjoying the moment of relaxation, taste of the food and contentment of the moment at hand.
Then I said Jack what kind of Love do we share. What would you call it.
We both continued to sit quietly and think deeply, smile once in a while, share some memories and moments of the journey then he says,
It is free Love Lori.
Hmmm I said what does mean. Well he says it is way beyond most kind of Love’s people know. It is free Love.
I thought for a while. We both thought maybe that was a close definition but not quite it.
Then all the sudden I said it is Mystical Love Jack.
Yes we both knew, yes that is what it is.
Not from either of us, not because of either of us but a joining of us from The Mystique.
Mystical Love.
Lori (2018)