Life Guide
Do you have a plan for your Life?
Or do you drift through the moments
Pushed and pulled by the
Influences of the modern world.
Do you allow people to determine
Your path, your walk in the world
Or do you self create
the footsteps you take.
Are you influenced by the judgments of
Others, and their idea or notions of right and wrong
Or do you examine your
own notion of morality.
Do you have an inner sense
of the life you would like to live
and the person you long to be
or has it been clouded
and beaten down
by daily living.
Do you know, beyond all knowing
that you can and do choose
the life you live.
Do you know that your greatest good
Is the greatest good of all those around you.
Do you know that if you choose your inner compass as your life guide
You can love deeper, richer and freer
And that my friend is good for you
And everyone around you.
Try it, you will surely see.
~Lori Ellis – McKinney (2014)