No one in my family, my community nor my friends or my 99% of my colleagues were privy to the details of the pedophile and double murder cases I carried at the same time in Child Protection, until the people were securely behind bars.I sheltered and protected the details and those who surrounded me. It was I, not them who chose to do the work. It was I , not them that was handed the matters to deal with so I did.
I was not paid for any of the work I did after I chose to leave child protection in 2006, having finished the family files. I worked hand in hand with the Ombudsmen after I took the matters to him in 2007, without pay , for years to bring the details to the publics awareness and government acknowledgement.
I continued to return to criminal court and testify for 16 years, to ensure justice and safety remained for children, without one penny of pay.All the while I was being attacked by the ignorant, uninformed and the haters.I am sure the last few weeks of unrest as a result of child protection interventions, in our community, have given the public some idea of what I endured alone, in isolation.It was 10 years before I even began to speak about what I had lived through to others.
Lori Ellis-McKinney (2022)
Photo ~ My daughter Hanna, 4 years old.